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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Glad to be Back!

Oh boy do I miss this little editing box! lol

I was trying to log in expecting to find the usual failure message, but it worked! *does the chandler dance* So bear with me as I don't have anything ready, I'm just mumbling some of the stuff I faced in the last 20 days.. So here we go..

There were alot of deliveries!
I was assigned to the labor room these past 2 weeks, I gotta say I liked it! I wouldn't wanna do it for a living, but the knowledge is empirical! what self-respecting doctor doesn't know how to deliver a baby?

We -interns- do it either supervised by senior obstetricians or midwives..
The normal uncomplicated delivery sounds easy when u think about it, but sometimes you get some kind of 'shock'.. I have to admit, it's a miracle! I mean one minute that baby is inside that distended belly, and the other he's in a bassinet wrapped in a warm cloth..
And don't you just love quiet babies staring into the blues? tryin to absorb all the light? trying to comprehend the sudden change of environment?

What an experience..

Another funny thing, those pregnant women -at the moment of labor- are just so mean and RUDE.. At first I thought it was a personality issue, but then when they deliver and see their babies, they transform into another creature, suddenly so tender and so thankful.. You would swear they took the first woman and replaced her with an identical twin!

What an experience..

Then comes the Caesarian sections; the thing that strikes you the most honestly is that with modern medicine, you can deliver surgically while the lady is awake and having an interesting debate with the anesthesiologist.. Honestly? you have to stop for a second and praise modern medicine! I mean surgeons are down there, cutting, nipping, pulling, pushing, and even suturing, while the mother is discussing the list of potential names she's chosen..

What an experience..

One more "labor room" incident.. After delivering a beautiful baby girl, we looked at the mother and congratulated her for delivering such a cute baby girl.. The mother the suddenly screams: A GIRL??!!! and bursts into ears, and starts weeping real loud.. I was really sad, you wouldn't expect to see that in the 21st century! she wouldn't even look at her own baby! It's a hazard to send them home together! That was really really sad..


Unknown said...

so how did u solve the problem?

G said...

I didn't do anything actually. it just fixed itself by itself!

Glow! said...

One really nice come-back post! :)
mn jd I felt like I wanna experience being there in the delivery room! :)
Laughed at the rude ladies before delivery! lol come on! u gotta excuse them though! looooool
7 felt really sorry for a crying one over a baby Girl! I hated that woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gadfly said...


My L&D hours were marked with magic and hilarity

there was a prim little Castillian Spanish woman overdue, so the old skool nurses made 22 year old ME go give her a pre-inducement enema before they gave her the oxytocin

turns out, she went into hard labor half an hour after I finished -- she was SO mortified to have ME sticking a tube up her ass O_o

She delivered 12 hours later and the next day all the nurses were calling me "the boy with the golden tube"

yeah ... I thought it was soooo funny too


The Solar Alchemist said...

welcome back jewel I'm glad to be reading you blog again :)
looks like you've been busy though :)

Unknown said...

interesting... I should try logging in now without using JAP

AngeL said...

are you for real... she screamed a girl.. maskeeena... i know this women who had 9 girls and kept on trying for a boy... can u imagine 9 times in labor... i liked your post alot.. it freaked me out in a way.. but intresting... i want a baby :( hehhe its amazing watching them grow.. i love kids. :) great post.. looking foward to ur next :)