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Saturday, January 20, 2007

I've been trying to blog about this for a while, but it probably did not sink in yet.. I don't know how to say it.. It's WEIRD!

My 48 year old uncle had a stroke..

Since this August alone I've seen as many as 100 patients with stroke, everytime I see one I get the same heart ache, and feel sorry for his family how they must be suffering.. and now it's my uncle, and my family is suffering..

He's young, most of my patients were above 60! 48 is too young for a stroke!

The day before I went to Rome, while I was packing, my mom called me from work and asked me to visit uncle Afif before I travel.. I was surprised, cuz they weren't on good terms lately.. I objected saying that I barely have time to pack as it is, but she insisted like she never did before!

My sisters and I drove to his house, had lunch there, he's such a great person, very funny with a very unique sense of humor.. I had a very good time, hugged him really tight and said goodbye..

He had the stroke while I was in Rome, no one told me until I went back to Tunis.. I almost collapsed to the floor.. My heart sank and my face went monochromic!
Then I went to see him in the hospital, that huge man is lying down on a white bed, unable to move his left side! Thank god his speech is intact, otherwise he and everybody else would've gone into depression! I was trying to soothe him, and reassure him that with physiotherapy everything's gonna be fine, and he'll hop back on his feet (although deep inside I know how difficult it is, and how demanding and time consuming it is!) The good thing is that he still has his sense of humor, he would joke and laugh in spite of his condition! God I love that man!

It was heartbreaking cuz again, he's relatively young to spend a great deal of time in a wheelchair, after being a very active man.. his youngest daughter is 18 months old, will she ever see her dad walking again? :'(

I still can't believe it! He quit smoking 2 years ago, but the main reason for his accident was high blood pressure. A vessel blew up and he started bleeding into his brain :( Thank god his brther took him immediately to the ER, otherwise he could've died..

We decided not to tell my grandma, she could have a stroke herself if she knew! So my mom is bringing her here to Jeddah sometime next week..

Please pray for him to recover as much as possible, and as fast as possible..


The Solar Alchemist said...

Mayshoof shar

#asa allash yigawma ib salama

my prayers r with him

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear that... rabena inshallah yu2af ganbo w ye3adi el mawqef da... w inshallah kolo fee meezan 7asanato :-)

Missy said...

Ajer ou 3afya.. may he get well soon :)

DiDi said...

Oh my God sweety i had no idea.. I'm sooo sorry i hope he gets better soon.. il 7amdilla he caught it in time..

Gadfly said...

Oh god, how horrible. The poor family seeing their large, powerful father and husband laid low so quickly. How devastating for them.

I hope he is one of those people who can make a remarkable recovery from that kind of damage.