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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What a Shocker..

I can't believe this.. It's funny, so funny, and sad..


Anonymous said...

Am sure u would find the same here in saudi!!

The Solar Alchemist said...

I knew that most of the people in the states are a little below the stupid level :p

Anonymous said...

Anonymous not that degree, and you can't compare Saudi to America. It's hard to compare a developing country to a developed country.

The Solar Alchemist said...

OMG I just saw the whole thing, I feel bad my american half is Texan :p

dam they're morans

Anonymous said...

May be not to that Degree..but i have seen familier stuff..and ofcourse u are right.. u cant compare..but u know..people expect all people in developed countries to be intellectual..which is not the case!

Unknown said...

Damn! U beat me to putting up this vid! U got the link frm Facebook didnt u :-P
I think if u hit the streets in any country,u will find the smart,the dumb,and the average.
BUT i did hear frm alot of my friends who are doing masters in the states that Saudis and Arabs score much higher marks on exams then Americans.

G said...

Well let's be fair.. I'm sure this man posing as Howard interviewed a couple of hundreds to nail these 20 "funny" answers.. it's definitely not a rule!

C'est la vie!! said...

I assure u not all Americans are this stupid...for some I guess ignorance is bliss....

showing my ignorance now:

Fidel Castro=Cuba's dictator
UK currency =the Euro
Buddhism Monks=Buddhism
Tony Blair=prime minister of the UK
triangle=3 sides
wwI and WWII
Latin America: mostly Spanish and other native dialects


and that was australia; not france, not north korea

1 Eiffel tower in France

and I cant remember the rest of the questions!!

and most of the ppl who answered are dumb hillbillies that will support stupid Bush in anything....

I am from TX but I say "if that were my bush, i whack it" that son-of-a-bush

p.s.some say it was reincarnated in Arizona LMAO!! aaahhh, I feel smarter already...I am a damn genius here in the U.S.

G said...

LooooooooL @ CLV!!!!
oh honey you didn't have to go through all that trouble.. looooool u got a few of them wrong though, The UK currency is the sterling pound :P
But u gotta give it to them.. they're so creative!

C'est la vie!! said...

heheheee...thats why i said I was showing my ignorance hehehe

still, compared to this ppl I feel smart :P