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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Beauty.. or is it?

I loved the new Dove commercial, where they ask why our perception of beauty has become so disfigured!

I hate make up and cosmetic surgeries..

People are no longer unique in anyway.. I started to really admire girls and women walking around with a light touch of lipgloss without the layers of founation and bronzers.. European women are attractive for a reason!

I admit it, I was a makeup junkie, I was overweight and I thought with painting my face I would divert the looks from my body.. And now I see how self-concious and depressed I was..
I used to wear makeup to the gym for god's sake!

Thank god, I got cured of my addiction after I lost the weight.. I look at my old pictures and think I wasn't fooling anybody.. If you're self-concious about something, that's the thing everybody notices.. Like when you try to cover a zit with layers of concealer and foundation, and end up calling attention to it..

I wish I could start seminars to talk to young girls about this subject..

Make up doesn't make you pretty, it makes you look unnatural, and sometimes totally disfigured! ESPECIALLY if you add colored lenses to the equation!
God gave dark skinned girls dark colored eyes for a reason!

And makeup is a vicious cycle, if you get used to how you look like with eye liners, mascara and blush, you would cry everytime you look at the mirror in the morning..

Oh, and don't get me started on the highlights! It's like an epidemic.. I'm not saying it's ugly on everybody, but it IS ugly on some people! The rule is:
If it suits your best friend, it doesn't necessarily suit you! live with it!

I was reading the post on the Solar Alchemist blog, and I got so moved and I hadto say what I think in detail..


izzy™ said...
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izzy™ said...

i loved ur post.. i agree with u that natural beauty is real beauty.. i always admire ppl who look good without make up and i make it a point to tell them.. but on the other hand there are these bad days when u look like hell and u have all these dark circles under ur eyes, maybe a zit here or there.. i totally agree with u that the foundation MASK only makes it worse (oh and btw i just wanna add ino some ppl REALLY need lessons on how to pick the right shade of base!) honestly sometimes i really couldnt care less but sometimes when u look good u feel good, it works for me every time..so if a little mascara and under eye concealer would make me feel happier each time i looked in the mirror, y not? they invented make up for a reason u know :P to add a little beauty and refine ur features.. i say a little make up wouldnt hurt.. not all the time & certainly not at the wrong places or over-doing it til u no longer recognize ur own face, but maybe every now n then just to cheer up n look as good as u want to feel..
honestly as much as i love the natural look i admit that i do and have always loved make up..& i dont feel guilty bout it..its part of being a girl.. and i love colors, maybe its part of the reason.. its like art :P lol really, it is! lol
im seriously even thinkin of takin these make up lessons at MAC.. i took their number :P
& i ALWAYS put lipgloss and nailpolish for layoona :P now she's used to it and whines my brains out for me to put her.. this one time at the mall, she was crying "mamaaaaa aba mascaraaaaaa" !!!! and everyone was starin at this 2 1/2 year old like im EVIL mom or smthn :| i was like "layan! aish mascara! mascara lil kobar" but she wouldnt listen :P lol
anyway, sorry for the long comment.. nice post..i never knew u were in the hospital with me!

Unknown said...

I hope that commercial really moves people... did you know they even made a Dove booth in Al-Mamlaka Mall in Riyadh to promote natural beauty? This is really a big step...

I am a man who is against anything unnatural: make up, colored contacts, dying ur hair, highlights, the list goes on and on... I think God is the best creator and the best artist, and how he created us is the best package we can get...

Lamya said...

Errrrm, now I know this is personal and you dont have to answer, but how did u lose the weight? I'm haveing a problem with that one....

Drama Queen said...

well thank u am a teenager and i got ur point!!well if u want the truth i HAVE makeup i jst dont wear it cz it looks so freaking fake and am a really simple creature!!on the other hand i look pretty weird around my frnds its kinda like i stand out as if thy are all coloured and am black and white!!but hey its not my problem thy look like clowns!!make up is for a reason i thin...like a wedding or to hide up the dark circles but only if they exist they are not supposed to be used in the freakin morning whn you have university =s

DiDi said...

i totally agree that beauty comes in every shape and color..
i don't agree with most of what u said after that!
why do u hate makeup?.. why do u hate cosmetic surgery?.. I think what you're trying to say is that you hate how some women ABUSE makeup and plastic surgery.. it's like those girls who abuse the latest "trend", and end up looking like they fell off a catwalk..
makeup is an expression of ur mood, just like ur clothes or ur hair style (or color)..
I for one am a big fan of makeup, i almost never go out without it (Except to the beach or gym, ofcourse)..
makeup does make you look pretty.. however, "saudi" usually makeup doesn't (a.k.a. mikyaj al afraaa7)..
a makeup artist once said: makeup should not draw attention to itself, but rather, to ur features.. if someone compliments u on ur makeup.. then u know u did something wrong..

P.S. it's true that i wear makeup most of the time when i go out (which is everyday), but i KNOW that i look good without it. :P (Except when it's exams week and i haven't seen the sun in ages.. BRONZER TIME!!) :D