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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Job Hunting!

Why did they call it hunting? Why not fishing?!

As interns, this is the first time we actually start applying for jobs/residency programs.. I don't know if my experience as a cashier in Mc Donald's in London counts or not, especially that I ended up cleaning tables cuz I flirted alot with cute customers lol..

Anyhow, during this past couple of weeks I had to give birth to my CV.. My first official CV saw the light a couple of days ago, and by official, the one that didn't include watching Bugs Bunny in my hobbies.. You know you must sound professional even if ur not quite so..

Job hunting, to my surprise, is so much like treasure hunting.. You usually go to one of the older -wiser- fellows, and talk to them for a while, show them what ur made of, and when they see in you a promising person, they confide in you the secrets of this job hunt.. they give you what I call "The Map".. it's usually a small scrap of paper, cuz atthe setting, u don't expect it to happen, so when he or she starts confiding in you, u pull out the closest thing to a paper, it could be a chewing gum wrapper lol.. you write down the steps.. Go see so and so, then talk to so and so.. attend so and so, show so and so ur interested, and no matter what, don't do so and so..

Funny thing is, most of the information they give are usually very well known, and you are very familiar with.. But still, when spoken bythe "Wiser", you treasure it.. You guard that scrap of paper with your life, you don't show it to anyone, you move carefully from step 1 to step 2, and you never trespass.. It's funny if you're watching from outside the box.. but inside, it's really serious, intense, and nerve wrecking!

Then comes the backstabbers.. those that wanna jeopardise your moves.. Either simply for the sake of jeopardising you, or to make themselves glow on your stake..

Then comes the competition.. my game.. my true source of energy.. If something was given, I don't want it, I wanna fight for it! But I wanna fight clean, why doesn't anybody else fight clean? Why is there so much pushing? lol


Lamya said...

Pushing,setting bear traps,tripping..This is how it is.A clean fight leaves you with a sense of achievement,and like u i will not fight dirty.Good luck with that search,its tough but u can do it...

ren_crow said...

Believe it or not ive been doing the same thing! Lucky for me however I designed my CV in photoshop hehe.
The thing is, I'm going for job training in architectural firms. So presentation is everything!
Good luck getting a job.

And it's not job fishing because thats synonamous with pirates! Ahhrr!

eshda3wa said...

its called hunting not finishing cz u do it on land..

but what if ur a sailor? hmmmm

goodluck with ur job
fight long n hard :)

Anonymous said...

Some Times Charm is the Most Powerful Key in Job Hunting,u have to charm the person across the desk.

Examiner:What do u wanna do if u were employeed in this company?
Applicant:to Sit in your chair.
*examiner handles him the application immidiatly*

Bassem said...

aaah that's the scary part of this whole process!

This pretty much shapes up your life for good !

allah y3enek wo yektoblek elly feh al5air !

3ogbal ma i reach that point inshallah ;)

DiDi said...

good luck sweety.. u know u can do it.. u also know that u can let me in on the good stuff :D

btw, let them fight dirty as much as they want.. just remember, use your CHARM.. it goes a looooong way :)