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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My First Job Interview.

Or was it?
I stayed up yesterday until 5 am, trying to fix my CV, add something here, remove something there..
Anyway, I was supposed to meet this program director with my current boss to recommend me one on one..
This morning, I hear the news: one of the program director's parents just passed away last night.. Probably around the time I was fixing my CV, and daydreaming about my interview..
The funny thing, I was so self absorbed that I was cursing my bad luck, when it suddenly hit me! Now this man just lost a parent, so is it my bad luck or his?
And then the little ugly voice that knows only the phrase "it's a sign"started to kick in. Is this the right job for me? Is that the right hospital for me? Is it the right specialty?
I finally decided to ignore that stupid voice and go to sleep.. As an intern, we are naturally sleepdeprived, as an intern with chronic insomnia; you do the math!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe this is a sign that you should pray este5ara before u engage in such life changing situations... Do that, and let God show u the right path :-)