A fellow blogger -Ahmed- asked me the toughest question anyone could ask me at this time..
"What is your main objective in life?"
That is too broad a question, and before I can answer you, I must first answer myself!
I owe it to 4 corners of my life,
My family
My friends
My career
My main objective in life would be to keep it a fair square, not lean to one corner more than the others and lose the balance..
Currently, the balance is tipped over to my career, that's quite understandable now that I am at a crucial spot, where I must decide what I wanna do for a living.
Being a woman makes it much more difficult.. For instance, when a man decides he wants to do surgery, nobody questions him! but should a woman -godforbid- decides she wants to be a surgeon, everybody around her would start questioning her sanity!
I remember the first line of advice I got from someone in my family:
"You should go into pediatrics."
That's it, period.
I spend 7 years in med school, so that I come this day and listen to you, and do pediatrics.
I reponded that I don't like pediatrics, it's in fact my least favorite subject!
He then says:
"then you should do gynecology!"
That's it, you solved my problem, thank you very much.
You see, the image of a Saudi female doctor is set to be either a pediatrician, a gynecologist, or at the most an internist. Very few make it to surgery unfortunately.
When I decided I wanted to do surgery, the question I was asked the most was:
"So you don't wanna get married?"
but then I did, and the question changed to:
"Oh, so you don't wanna have children?"
I admit that doing surgery is a commitment, I am aware of that.. But then going into med school was the beginning of that commitment.. I don't struggle through 7 years of torture to come at this final point and just quit my ambition for a bunch of dementic people who think a woman should only serve women and children!
I'm not saying that I'm seeking to be equal to men, don't get me wrong! Women that want to be equal to men lack ambition!
I know a couple of colleagues that decided to do laboratory medicine, or an easy non-demanding specialty like anesthesia or dermatology. It's good that a person knows his limits and doesn't run after false dreams. If that is the only way for them to keep their "fair square balance", then I applaude them for their decisions. But it is nobody's right to tell anybody what they CAN'T DO, and what they SHOULD DO instead.
I am an artist, I love sculpture, I have an eye for symmetry and beauty.. I'm an inpatient detail oriented perfectionist. Now what self-respecting creature would throw their skills and talents out the window just because someone else "thinks" they're better off that way?
Being a surgeon is a tough thing, you sound like a smart person, I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
The concerns of your family are probably with the time and dedication required by surgeons.
You will definetly have to make sacrifices in terms of having a family.
The status quo of Muslim women is baby pumping machines, lol. I think it is quite cool that you aren't like the majority of people who just go to University so they can get a bachelors degree.
You know what you want so go for it. Don't let anyone impose their beliefs on you. Fuck 'em and reach for the sky.
Oh and if your husband turns out to be an unconsiderate freak who wants his wife to stay home, cook meals and take care of the kids, dump his ass and pay the Dot a visit!!!
My husband is actually a doctor too, and we made it clear from the beginning that under no circumstances should any of us chain the other.. So far so good :P
I'm a woman, I understand my "role" in a family, but it's not my one and only role.. what makes me different from a female rabbit?!
That's great, I wish you all the best, and hope many more follow in your footsteps.
Mashallah! when I graduated from high school, I had friends who planned to go to Med school..two of them became doctors while the rest dropped out for many reasons...yes it is difficult for women in this country to become good doctors yet good surgeons.
I really wish u the best! keep it up ;)
Hi! It's my first time commenting on ur blog; i backtracked and read a bunch of ur posts.. ur officially in my favorites! :D
I love ur expression "fair square".. and u say u have an eye for beauty.. r u thinking of doing plastic surgery?... how about reconstructive?
P.S. if plastic, will u give us discountS? :P
Brava Ji3Ji3!!! I love ambitious women! I really hope I end up marrying a woman who wants to sit on top of the world one day! And I'll even push her to get there :D
Hmmmm good luck with becoming a surgeon, at least now I know I've got a future surgeon who I know is dedicated, and would therefore be comfortable visiting if I have a critical case (La sama7 Allah) :)
you know we are kinda' split here in kuwait on the subject of women. some families feel that a woman should yes get a a degree and get a mediocer job while others feel that a woman should go as far as she can go where ever that takes her.
personaly i feel that woman or man we all have a right to be happy! how ever that happiness may look
I am so officially proud of you.You become a surgeon because thats whats going to make u happy and thats what u want.And ur partner supports you.What more do u want!I believe in you.as a woman,u can do whatever u set ur mind to do.Go for it..and we will be cheering u along every step of d way..
dont u ever listen to what others say! re'9a elnas '3aya la todrak!
do what ever u want! what ever u see is right
go for it girl :D
i wish u all the best of luck!
One more thing,surgery is no more or less demanding than gynae/obs,or anaesthesia for eg.Each takes its toll on different people.Each requires time and effort,and is matched to different abilities in different people.Its just a question of finding where u fit in,nd sticking to that..And u have found ur niche..but that doesnt mean that others r taking an easy way out..:).
And sorry for d loads of comments,but once ur studies r done,ur life will be pretty organised.With plastics,u can book ur slate 4 the day,be done by early afternoon,and consult on ur non surgery days.That leaves loads of time 4 family,so when nyone tells u that u wont have time for kids and whatnot,its a myth.. But im sure u know that already..And once again,good luck,we support ur choice..
anonymous: Thanks I'm flattered =)
ahmed: & I wish you all the best in ur marketing business, I'll probably need you in the future :P
Didi: *waves hello* welcome to my humble blog, I'm honored ;)
I am actually thinking of reconstructive, it's so artistic and creative.. I can't do something boring for a living, I must have a unique approach, unusual and unexperienced before :)
I'll give every blogger a special discount don't worry.. a higher discount if I'm on their friend list =P
OT: STOP CALLING ME ji3ji3 it sounds like a horrifying laugh looool.. I hope u marry a woman you deserve, cuz u deserve the best really =) and I really hope you never need to see any doctor in ur life for any reason ;)
Alchemist: exactly, happiness is defined differently from person to person, what makes me happy doesn't necessarily make you the least bit joyous! It's only up to us to choose the path we follow..
Saro0na: "re6'a alnas 3'aya la todrak"
I couldn't have said it any better.. thumbs up! :)
Lamya: Hey Lamya, I'm a huge fan of yours :)
btw, don't get me wrong I never meant to underestimate OB I know it's even more demanding then some surgical subspecialties.. I just meant that in KSA a girl is always advised to do OB to eliminate contact with men. I applause all the women that went into OB-Gyne BY CHOICE, not by peer pressure =) Same thing for all the other "easy" specialties, if someone went into anesthesia out of love for the specialty, that is admirable.. But trust me, I have a friend that said:
"I'm a woman, al wa7da mennana bas teb3'a shahada, w ba3dain tetzawwaj w teshta3'al kam sa3a 3ashan terja3 baitaha, that's why I'm going into radiology" Now tell me how the hell should I answer her?
I couldn't agree more :)
Good luck at the surgery residency.
"Women that want to be equal to men lack ambition!"
that is just beautiful. Excellent.
jewelz!! u ARE AN INSPIRATION to me! u are!
i hate pediatrics and gyne too! ur so me! its freaky!
and i SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR im no copycat but i SWEAR i SWEAR i am also very interested in surgery, plastic and neuro to be very precise....what do u think? u have more experience so u must know..is it fun? whats it like? howz the oncall hours?? i know this is not my blog lol but for example to me its very important that i have this really unique career where im like no one else but its very important to me to have quality time to spend with layan and my family..cuz im a perfectionist and stuff and i dont wanna like just raise her ay kalam, i want EVERYTHING to be special, u know? i wanna be gr8 at everything..
marra 7amas this tag hehehe i will do it on my blog lol :P
i love u jewelz! u ROCK!
btw, im an ARTISIT TOO so how about that!!!??
Ur friend,i would tell her get married,stay home,cut grass*its hilarious in a hindi accent*..Im a huge fan here*where do i sign up?*..As for anyone,i say do what u do because u love it.If u dont,ur doing it for d wrong reasons.. And once more i applaud ur choice..*hugs to da jewelz*
BJ: sweetheart ur an inspiration to me too =) ur a fighter, a survivor, ur ambitious and goal oriented, and I believe in you! From my experience I tell you no matter what you want now, internship is going to flip you! Textbooks and sessions are nothing compared to in-house practice!! IT does matter that you know you want surgery not medicine, that is a building block and the 2 are very different.. but the subspecialty will come along in time.. I'll leave an interesting link on your tagboard that might help you ;)
Wanna hear sth else that's freaky? my initials are KB, I used to sign posts and emails as KayBee.. my nickname is Julz, in Tunis they called me JB (after the drink), I used to sign my emails to Tunisian friends JayBee :P
LMAO! talk about freaky, huh!? lol!
alright jaybee :P thanx for ur advice :) wallah ur so inspiring to me..i love u ;P
im still not sure..ur right its hard to decide before actual training and practice..so far im just excluding the things i know i will never be interested in :P
im excluding: FAMILY MEDICINE, opthalmo, ENT, pediatrics, obgyn, internal medicine, pathology...so far!
im interested in surgery, neuro, urology, oncolgy, genetics, pharmacology, psychiatry, radiology, orthopedics, microbiology.... so its still undetermined ;)
thanx jewelzie :D
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