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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Self-Tagged (by DotsSon)

I'm bad at drawing, but I love tagging ;)

So I was browsing by, and bumped into this tag on
DotsSon's blog, where you must submit a hand drawn picture.. He for example posted the one and only, Dota Lisa! =)

This is my humble attempt to draw the full version of the pic in my profile.. It's a failure, trust me people I'm way prettier than that! LOL

I shall call it.... Madonna of the Blogs!

I guess that's what I look like when I wake up in the morning after 15 hours of sleep!

So now I get to tag.. hmmm, I tag everyone on this blogosphere that doesn't know a clue about holding a pencil down to draw.. And if anyone accepted my tag, just drop a line or 2 in a comment below =)


Gadfly said...

You know, I kinda like it. It might not show the most intricate drawing skill, but it has a certain something. The minimalist style kind of accentuates the extra detail done around the eyes. Very exotic (from my perspective) and sensual, with those full lips.

BTW: If that is your real picture at the top, you are startlingly beautiful O_O

But then again, you probably already knew that :o)

My head said...

I know how to draw a small boat in the water :)

ahmed said...

wow i loved it!! u know u can add some colors am sure it will look amazing!

The Solar Alchemist said...

not bad don't beat your self down!
I'm going to give it a shoot but I'm sure that it will suck, I don't even have good hand writting :p

Taqo said...

Oh wow.
You're gooood!

-OT- said...

Can I scan a pic and claim it's my own drawing? :P hehe
I'm really bad!! I think I'll draw a kids crayon picture with a yellow sun, a blue sky and so forth :P
Me and my big mouth! I had to ask for a post!!

Unknown said...

Damn you're hot girl!!!

Hey Gadfly fuck off man! She lives in Jeddah, I got more chances then you do ;-)

f_ said...

Hawt. Very. ;)

SaRo0Na said...

nice drawing!
i can never get anything closer to that!
but i can take pictures :D

G said...

gadfly: ur right, I subconciously drew it all in like 10 minutes, then spent 15 minutes on the eyes..
That's how I do my makeup too, light touches if any, and all the work on the eyes.. and thank you for the compliment :">

head: that's great, i guess lol

ahmed:I'm on it, I'll try to add in a few refinements.. glad you liked it =)

alchemist: loool I'm sure you'll do just fine.. I thought ppl would throw tomatoes at me, but they actually liked it ;)

Taqo: I saw your sketch.. it was, different :P it was cute n creative :) thanks for the sweet comment..

OT: Yep, you had to ask for it huh? :P no you cannot scan a pic, you have to go through the torture, the tens of crumbled papers thrown out the window.. come on, pick it up and do it!

galaxy: Now isn't that the best comment so far? :P we'd make a perfect couple you know? Galaxy Jewelz :P

Fedo: lool thx, urz is very nice too.. i liked the contradiction..

saro0na: I thought the same, if I can do it, belieeeeve me you can do it!!!

Gadfly said...

Galaxy: I'm just hoping that she wants to come to the States and needs someone to marry so she can get a green card ;-)

G said...

Come to think of it, I wanna go to the states for my residency program.. talk about opportunities :P

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is my name showing up as Galaxy??? It's me Dotsson.

Well Gadfly not only do I have a green card but I've living in the Arab world for half my life and know a shit load about Saudi and arab culture.
She gets the best of both worlds ;-)

Unknown said...

Nice sketch.. I am impressed... artist and writer...

I went through the comments, someone is gonna get hurt real bad, looool :-p

-OT- said...

on and on with the reverse Psychology! U obviously didn't stop using it when u reached Sana Sadsa :P hehe

Gadfly said...

Dotguy: Why would she want a young, good looking guy like you when she can have a middle-aged, opinionated ass like me?

Anonymous said...

Gadfly: Yo man that pic in her profile is HER PICTURE!!! See what I meant by Arabian beauty???

Anyways, the girl is taken. We don't stand a chance!!! I guess it's back to fighting over the Malaysian girl.

G said...

Thanks guys, you reminded me how it felt to have guys fight for you.. *sniff* such a nice feeling I truly miss :P

izzy™ said...

hey madonna ur pic SUX lol jk..bs 5alas ya3ni everyone is like "WOW" o ma3rif aish golt a3'ayir hehe lol no seriously i dont think its hot, i think its real cuuuuute :)
lets both ditch med school and become picassotittas hehe i totally made that up..lol

-OT- said...

What are u sniffing about? You have someone who should be making u feel wanted and needed all the time! That (Fighting to keep you) should be more satisfactory than the feeling of a few ppl fighting over you..

Gadfly said...

So if I beat the crap out of Dot, will you go out with me?

Sorry, Dottson, but you better say goodbye to your mother. You're going DOWN!


The Solar Alchemist said...

ok i know how we can settle this problem between dot and gadfly. but them in a cage and let them duke it out! then when they both passed on we'll have no more problems :p! lool..JK